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Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/c-bocr-11.html
Sales Managers use a weekly sales report that includes the following columns: Sales Person, Weekly Sales and Quota. The Sales Managers would like the ability to retrieve additional non- sales related information on their personnel by clicking on a hyperlink. Which type of report should you create?
A. Unlinked subreport based on manager ID
B. Unlinked subreport based on employee ID
C. Linked On-Demand subreport based on employee ID
D. On-Demand subreport based on manager ID
Answer: C
You must create a new Crystal report that displays the top 25% of customer sales leaders. Which method will sort the report alphabetically by customer, not by the sales summary?
A. Use a standard Top N report.
B. Use subreports with shared variables to calculate the percentage summaries then sort the results.
C. Use multiple arrays in a single report to summarize and sort the data.
D. Use a dynamic array with subreports to create the Top N summaries then sort the data correctly.
Answer: D
Which two methods can you use to save an unlinked subreport as a stand alone report?
(Choose two.)
A. In the Preview pane, right-click the subreport and select Save Subreport As
B. In the Design tab, right-click the subreport and select Save Subreport As
C. In the Subreport Preview tab, from the File menu, select Save Report As
D. In the main report, from the File menu, select Save Report As
Answer: AB
You add a custom function from the repository to a new Crystal report and want to categorize the function. What must you do to enable the Category box?
A. Edit the custom function.
B. Disconnect the function from the repository.
C. Re-add the function to the repository.
D. Save the custom function to the report.
Answer: B
The sales manager would like a sales report of last year’s sales summarized first by country and then by last year’s sales summarized by sales person. Which method should you use to create the report?
A. Create a report grouped by country and add a subreport in the Report Footer grouped by sales person.
B. Create a report grouped by sales person and add a subreport in Group Header grouped by country.
C. Create a report grouped by sales person and add a subreport in the Report Footer grouped by country.
D. Create a report grouped by country and add a subreport in the Report Header grouped by sales person.
Answer: A
The world sales report is being sent to all regional managers. Three of the managers cover multiple regions. You need to configure report bursting so that these managers see all of their regions. Which of the following is true?
A. The Dynamic Recipient Data Provider should be sorted by recipient ID.
B. The Dynamic Recipient Data Provider should be sorted by region ID.
C. It is not possible to include more than one region per manager in the report.
D. No action is required as the Dynamic Recipient Data Provider will automatically sort as necessary.
Answer: A
How can you verify that the data displayed on a report from a database is correct by using the Show SQL Query option?
A. Copy and run the query into the native database client utility.
B. Copy the query into the Crystal SQL command.
C. Copy and run the query into the Database Expert.
D. Copy the query into SQL+.
Answer: A
How can you reduce processing time for a Crystal report?
A. Sort records on the client
B. Perform query asynchronously
C. Perform grouping on the server
D. Verify data on first refresh
Answer: C
Which menu will allow you to import a new XML transform?
A. Report Export Options
B. Manage XML Exporting Formats
C. Manage XML Importing Formats
D. Report Import Options
Answer: B
Which three conditions might cause an error when you save a custom function? (Choose three.)
A. You used a local variable.
B. You used a summary field.
C. You used a User Function Library (UFL).
D. You used a Print State function.
Answer: BCD
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2016 SAP C_BOCR_11 exam dumps (All 293 Q&As) from Lead2pass:
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