Lead2pass HP5-H08D exam questions and answers in PDF are prepared by our expert, Moreover, they are based on the recommended syllabus covering all the HP5-H08D exam objectives. You will find them to be very helpful and precise in the subject matter since all the HP HP5-H08D exam content is regularly updated and has been checked for accuracy by our team of HP expert professionals.
Which products make up the current family of HP Mobile Z workstations?
A. HP ZBook 14. HP ZBook 17. and HP ZBook 18 mobile workstations
B. HP ZBook 12, HP ZBook. 15, and HP ZBook 17 mobile workstations
C. HP ZBook 15, HP ZBook 17. and HP Z8ook 18 mobile workstations
D. HP ZBook 14, HP ZBook 15, and HP ZBook 17 mobile workstations
Answer: C
What can the new HPzbook15 G2 MoDiie workstation host?
A. up to 4 processor cores and a choice of 6 professional graphics cards
B. up to 4 processor cores and a choice of 2 professional graphics cards
C. up to 6 processor cores and a choice of 2 professional graphics cards
D. up to 4 processor cores and a choice of 4 professional graphics cards
Answer: B
For value-conscious enterprise customers, what do the HP Desktop Z Workstations offer?
A. a7200 rpm spinning orlve that has siightry more capacity but slower performance
B. a 10K rpm spinning drive that has slightr>- less capacity hut faster performance
C. an HP Z Turbo Drive
D. a SATA SSD drive from 128 to 512 GB
Answer: D
Which configuration is required when using 32-bit operating systems on HP 2440. 2640,and 2840 workstations?
A. Reduce CMOS clocK speed
B. Switch BIOS to HP legacy mode
C. Increase CMOS clock speed.
D. Switch BIOS to UEFI mode.
Answer: A
How do you maximize DIMM performance on HP Desktop workstations?
A. Use only DIMM channels 1 and 2.
B. Distnbute DIMMS evenly across all four memory channels.
C. Place the largest DIMM In the first channel
D. Place the smallest DIMM In the first channel.
Answer: C
What is me smallest capacity DIMM supported inHP Z440, Z640. and 2840 workstations?
A. 2MB
B. 4MB
C. 2GB
D. 4GB
Answer: C
What should you do before handling the processor of an HP Z840 workstation?
A. Wash hands, and wear hypoallergenic protective gloves.
B. Check for specific POST error codes to ensure that the processor is functioning property.
C. Take note of the orientation of the gold triangle and notches on the processor.
D. Run the Built in Self Test (BIST) to ensure that no faults are present.
Answer: D
Which products make up the current family of HP Desktop Z Workstations?
A. HP Z440. HP Z640, HP Z660, and HP Z840 Desktop Z Workstations
B. HP Z230, HP Z640. HP Z820. and HP Z840 Desktop Z Workstations
C. HP Z230. HP Z420, HP Z640. and HP Z840 Desktop Z Workstations
D. HP Z230. HP Z440. HP Z640. and HP Z840 Desktop Z workstations
Answer: D
What can the new HP ZBooK 15 G2 Mobile Workstation host?
A. up to 4 processor cores ana a choice of 6 professional graphics cards
B. up to 6 processor cores and a choice of 2 professional graphics cards
C. up to 4 processor cores and a choice of 2 professional graphics cards
D. up to 4 processor cores and a choice of 4 professional graphics cards
Answer: C
Which feature of HP Z displays gives them an advantage over mainstream Twisted Nematic displays?
A. full edge-to-edge bezels
B. narrower viewing angles
C. full coverage of the CMYK color space
D. up lo 10 times the contrast ratio
Answer: B