Free Lead2pass Microsoft MB2-866 PDF Dumps With New Update Exam Questions(11-20)

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Which of the following customizations can be implemented from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 user interface?

A.    Create custom workflow activities.
B.    Customize the Microsoft Dynamics CRM schema.
C.    Extend the application by using the .NET Framework.
D.    Add custom buttons to the Application and Entity ribbons.

Answer: B

In Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 on-premises, you create a custom entity named Offices that stores information about office locations where contacts work.
Each contact works at a single office location.
You need to ensure that if an Offices record is deleted, associated Contacts records are not. Which type of one-to-many (1:N) relationship should you create between the Offices and Contacts entities?

A.    system to custom parental relationship
B.    system to custom referential relationship
C.    custom to system parental relationship
D.    custom to system referential relationship

Answer: D

In Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, which of the following statements about auditing is true?

A.    All system entities can be enabled for auditing.
B.    All custom entities can be enabled for auditing.
C.    Auditing will track which users read a record.
D.    Auditing will track users logging in and out of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Answer: B

Changes to records on a custom Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 entity are not being recorded in the audit logs.
Which settings are necessary to ensure that changes to the records are properly recorded? (Choose all that apply.)

A.    Enable auditing for the entity.
B.    In System Settings, enable the Start Auditing setting.
C.    Set the View Audit Partition security privilege to Organization for all users.
D.    Configure the Audit Log Management entity to record data in the current calendar quarter.

Answer: AB

Which of the following statements about Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 audit log management is true?

A.    The CRM System Administrator can delete any unnecessary audit log files.
B.    The CRM System Administrator can set the date ranges for the audit log partitions.
C.    A CRM system job that runs automatically every 30 days creates any required audit log partitions.
D.    Audit log management partition functionality is available for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition.

Answer: C

You need to customize multiple Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 forms to display a third-party Microsoft Silverlight component. What should you do?

A.    Create a Silverlight (XAP) web resource.
    Customize each of the CRM forms to include the XAP web resource.
B.    Create a Data (XML) web resource that references the Silverlight component.
    Customize each of the CRM forms to include the XML web resource.
C.    Create a Web Page (HTML) web resource. Add Silverlight XAML to the web resource.
    Customize each of the CRM forms to include the HTML web resource.
D.    Copy the Silverlight component to the ISV folder on the CRM web server.
    Customize each of the CRM forms to include an Iframe that references the Silverlight component.

Answer: A

You need to configure the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Order form to display all products for the current order.
What should you add to the Order form?

A.    a section
B.    a Data (XML) web resource
C.    a lookup field based on the Product field
D.    a sub-grid based on Order Products entity

Answer: D

You plan to delete an unmanaged Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 solution.
What will be removed when you delete the solution?

A.    only the solution record
B.    the solution record and all dependencies of the solution
C.    the solution record and all components referenced in the solution
D.    the solution record and all records of component types referenced in the solution

Answer: A

You import one managed solution and two unmanaged solutions into a Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 organization. In each imported solution, the display name for the Account entity has been changed. None of the three display names are the same.
After you publish all customizations, which display name will be shown to users?

A.    the default display name Account
B.    the display name from the managed solution
C.    the display name from the last solution published
D.    the display name from the first solution published

Answer: C

You export an unmanaged solution from a development organization as a managed solution, and then import the managed solution into a new organization.
The solution contains a custom entity and chart. The Can be customized and Customizable managed properties of the custom entity and chart are set to true.
During testing, you realize that a component is missing from the imported managed solution.
You need to add the missing component in the new organization.
What should you do?

A.    In the new organization, update the managed solution with the missing component.
B.    In the development organization, update the managed solution with the missing component and then export the unmanaged solution as a managed solution.
    In the new organization, import the managed solution.
C.    In the development organization, update the unmanaged solution with the missing component and then export the unmanaged solution as a managed solution.
    In the new organization, import the managed solution.
D.    In the development organization, export the unmanaged solution with the missing component.
    In the new organization, import the unmanaged solution, export the unmanaged solution as a managed solution, and then import the managed solution.

Answer: C

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